KS4 Options
Decision time!
This site gives you all the information you need to help you decide on your next steps towards your exam subjects. You have been building your knowledge and experience in a broad range of subjects over the last few years, now it’s time to decide which of those subjects you feel you will shine in, and the ones you need to get where you want to be in the future.
It’s time to make decisions!
Below is a video that covers how your timetable will look from Easter in Y9 onwards. It explains what is compulsory and what you can choose. You’ll then find more information about each individual optional subject on this Subject Page.
Take time to look over all this information and don't rush into any decisions. Discuss your ideas with those who know you best, your family, friends, teachers, and anyone else you trust. We also have a timeline of events below to help you as shown below as we run up to the deadline for choices on Friday 9th February.
You will make your choices via an online form that will be available via this website, but remember it’s not first come first served. We aim to give as many students their first choices, but we also look at how you have demonstrated your ability and effort in the last few years and may suggest adjustments in some cases.
Make the most of the time you have now to talk through your thoughts, that will ensure you make the best decisions for your future.
Jon Morgan
Deputy Headteacher
How many subjects can I choose?
You can choose three subjects to complete your timetable. One must be from Geography, History, French or Spanish.
What can I choose from?
You must choose at least one from…
Then choose two more from any shown above or below…